Thursday, February 5, 2009

who's gonna save my soul now?

I have started a love-affair with iTunes. I got a gift card awhile ago and am just now enjoying the benefits. It's a chance for me to get some guilty-pleasure type music that I normally wouldn't pay for despite my enjoyment of the songs. Wahoo!

I have a cold. I was having other, different, health problems earlier this week---why is it that all of my issues occur at once? It's lame.

I'm finding it hard to concentrate. Boyfriend is at work right now. I want to be working on my projects but my mind keeps wandering. I think it's because I'm sick...I start to get tired of focusing and just want to lay down and listen to music instead.
Despite this, I am making some progress on my secret project. I am so excited! It's slow going, but at least it's going...

Oh yes, and I have realized that I should no longer buy clothing online. Usually it's the size that's the problem, but this time it's the colors: the colors on my monitor and in person were so different! So now I have ANOTHER trip to the post office to return them, and the website doesn't cover postage. So I'm out $6. Lame.

And I'm realizing just how crazy everyone is. Really crazy. I mean REALLY. I know I'm far from normal, but... I at least try to cause other people happiness rather than strife. I know now that that's not the case for most everyone else.
Why do people like causing others pain, discomfort, confusion, strife, anger, sadness? It's so weird to me.

And those are my thoughts for today.
P.S. I'm happy that it's raining!

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