Monday, March 30, 2009

long time no see!

Wow, it's been forever.

I got a new computer (my old one died) so perhaps I can begin posting again.
I also recently began a sketchbook...something I have not had/been diligent enough to do for years. So perhaps in addition to some more regular posting I might actually have some drawings to put up!

Ciao for now!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

who's gonna save my soul now?

I have started a love-affair with iTunes. I got a gift card awhile ago and am just now enjoying the benefits. It's a chance for me to get some guilty-pleasure type music that I normally wouldn't pay for despite my enjoyment of the songs. Wahoo!

I have a cold. I was having other, different, health problems earlier this week---why is it that all of my issues occur at once? It's lame.

I'm finding it hard to concentrate. Boyfriend is at work right now. I want to be working on my projects but my mind keeps wandering. I think it's because I'm sick...I start to get tired of focusing and just want to lay down and listen to music instead.
Despite this, I am making some progress on my secret project. I am so excited! It's slow going, but at least it's going...

Oh yes, and I have realized that I should no longer buy clothing online. Usually it's the size that's the problem, but this time it's the colors: the colors on my monitor and in person were so different! So now I have ANOTHER trip to the post office to return them, and the website doesn't cover postage. So I'm out $6. Lame.

And I'm realizing just how crazy everyone is. Really crazy. I mean REALLY. I know I'm far from normal, but... I at least try to cause other people happiness rather than strife. I know now that that's not the case for most everyone else.
Why do people like causing others pain, discomfort, confusion, strife, anger, sadness? It's so weird to me.

And those are my thoughts for today.
P.S. I'm happy that it's raining!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

photo of the best tattoo ever!

my latest tattoo!
it's a drawing by Chris Sanders. You can check out his work at


I got a new tattoo! I will post pictures a.s.a.p!

I am struggling with my personal projects. I'm not at work as much but I seem to be lacking creative motivation. Ugh.

Speaking of work, some people have mentioned training me on the book floor. I am excited about this: I think I could be an asset to the book end of things. I'm not sure if they'd pull me out of cafe completely---I think it would be cool to spend half my weekly hours in cafe and half on the book floor. Best of both worlds!So I'm going to try and find out what's going on as soon as I can. I don't like not knowing what people are planning for me!

I am excited for work tomorrow so that I can show off my new ink. It really is the most amazing tattoo ever.

Monday, December 29, 2008


so I went to the doctor because the pain was unbearable, and the tension from trying to talk stiffened up the whole right side of my face and made my neck a little swollen. apparently I have a really bad canker sore caused by a virus (I guess I didn't bite my tongue, which makes sense because I didn't remember doing it, I just assumed that that's what the cause was)---the sore looks red and puffy around the edges so it's also possible it's a tad infected. they gave me an antibiotic commonly used for herpes: you can imagine how THAT made me feel, picking it up at the pharmacist! hah! but I guess cankers and cold sores are related, and cold sores=form of herpes. so I understand the medicine-connection.

they also gave me a powerful numbing gel. I was too scared to use a lot, but the tiny dab I put on the sore didn't really do anything, so in 4 hours (when I can re-apply), I'll use a little more until I find a good amount.

I had to leave work today because of this stupid thing (talking hurts and I talk a lot at my job), which I felt bad about. this guy Patrick was nice enough to come in and cover my shift, so at least I know they weren't short-handed.

so, back to work tomorrow. I'll shake this stupid malady soon enough! I shake my fist at canker sores strategically placed to prevent eating! bah! (although I was able to eat some chow mein and orange chicken... juuuust soft enough that I powered through the pain and got some solid food in me. hooray!)

back to bed.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

it's in the singing of a street corner choir...

holiday update:
-I got most of what I wanted for Christmas. What I didn't get, I don't mind waiting until my birthday for. I am content.
-Work hasn't been too bad, lately. Busy, but manageable. I am a stone you can't squeeze blood from. I am a leaf on the wind!
-Everyone liked their gifts, for which I am most thankful.
-I bit my tongue really hard on accident, and now I lisp when I talk and I'm having problems eating/drinking/brushing my teeth/swallowing. Ugh!
-I just made my next tattoo appointment! January 9th!

Now I just have to think of some good New Year's resolutions or something.
I'm excited about N.Y.'s Eve... Daniel and I are going to get trashed! I finally found some straight alcohol that I enjoy drinking (as opposed to those fruity girl drinks that you have to drink ten of just to get tispy). So it'll be a good start to the new year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

another one bites the dust

Just finished another dog portrait for a client. It was the biggest challenge yet, but I am really happy with the way it turned out. I hope she likes it!

Work was pretty good today. It went by fast, and that's all I can ever hope for. So then I came home and was reluctant to paint, due to my exhaustion, but I delved deep within and must have mustered up something good, because I finished the entire painting in one sitting!
That's what I love about the dog portraits. They are challenging, and yet go quickly. I think it's because I enjoy them.

I have gotten a few people to call me "Fraulein" quite regularly. You can't imagine how very happy this makes me.

Auf Wiedersehen!