Sunday, December 28, 2008

it's in the singing of a street corner choir...

holiday update:
-I got most of what I wanted for Christmas. What I didn't get, I don't mind waiting until my birthday for. I am content.
-Work hasn't been too bad, lately. Busy, but manageable. I am a stone you can't squeeze blood from. I am a leaf on the wind!
-Everyone liked their gifts, for which I am most thankful.
-I bit my tongue really hard on accident, and now I lisp when I talk and I'm having problems eating/drinking/brushing my teeth/swallowing. Ugh!
-I just made my next tattoo appointment! January 9th!

Now I just have to think of some good New Year's resolutions or something.
I'm excited about N.Y.'s Eve... Daniel and I are going to get trashed! I finally found some straight alcohol that I enjoy drinking (as opposed to those fruity girl drinks that you have to drink ten of just to get tispy). So it'll be a good start to the new year.

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