Friday, December 12, 2008

weird day + some paintings

Today started out innocently enough, but by 1pm it all started to become very weird. I'm feeling better now, but for awhile I was seriously questioning my existence. You of those days.

There are some new paintings up at my art
Check them out! They are Xmas gifts for some people I work with. When I enjoy working with you, you get paintings! See how that works out?

Boyfriend gets off work sometime between 10pm and 10:30pm. I am anxious for him to come home. My head hurts and I seriously need some cuddles. I have work tomorrow from 10am-6pm. I'm not looking forward to working on a Saturday. It seems like the only Saturdays Boyfriend doesn't work are the very ones on which I get scheduled. It is a cruel world, sometimes.

I love the holidays and I am very glad that they are fast approaching! I did all of my Christmas shopping this past week and I am very excited to see what my friends and family think of their gifts. All that remains to be done is some scarf-finishing, another drawing (for Tony), and some holiday baking and card-writing. I also have a dog-painting commission that is still outstanding, so I will be working on that along with everything else.

I am hoping that my tattoo shop will be open on January 2nd or 3rd! I asked for those days off to visit my family in NoCal, but those plans fell through for awhile (my grandpa is sick), and so I have some days to myself. What better thing to use them for than a new tattoo?

I am reading the book Twilight for the first time, and I must say... it's not the fabulous piece of literature its popularity would suggest. I understood the Harry Potter franchise because I really did believe the books were well-written. But I understand that with Twilight, what is winning out is merely the draw of handsome young vampires and a romantic story. The book is okay, but it's a little tedious at times and the gullibility of Bella is astounding. I know there doesn't need to be pages and pages of her disbelief, but it could be a much rockier acceptance of the truth than in the book. I also think a healthy editing would have done the book a great service.
It's okay. It's enjoyable enough to read, but I find myself longing to read some Anne Rice instead at times.

Well anyway, off to do some knitting!

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