Saturday, September 27, 2008

moving right along

So I made it through my week of 7.75 hour shifts! The last two days, Wednesday and Thursday, I wasn't nearly as tired when I got home, which restores my faith that I will be able to continue my artistic endeavors and work a lot at the same time. I am very happy about this! Especially since it was very nice to make as much money as I did this week :)

I am getting better at my job. I made my first unsupervised drink on Thursday! I was so proud of myself! It was an iced latte and I did it just right! (I know because after the customer walked away I checked the instructions and I was correct) So next week is a repeat of the same hours, and I am looking forward to making more drinks and then coming home to work on my art projects and maybe get some more prints up for sale on my Etsy store (

Thursday after work I got another tattoo! I will post pictures a.s.a.p. but for now I'll just tell you that it's another Pokemon (Milotic), and it's on the same arm as the other color pieces. It looks so amazing! It's on my inner forearm/left wrist... for some reason that spot, for me, hurts so much more than my bicep tattoo did. This new one was pretty painful, and it bled a lot more. BUT when I washed it afterward, it hurt less than it normally does. It's also healing pretty fast. The scab doesn't hurt too bad anymore, and it's only a couple of days old. I'm hoping it only takes a couple of weeks to heal instead of a full month like Brunhilda and Shiva/Shakti.

So, I'm sad that my prints in my Etsy shop aren't selling. I don't know if it's because sales on Etsy are always slow for new sellers, or if it's something that I'm doing. I've been thinking that perhaps the fact people have to sign up for an Etsy account to buy might have something to do with it?
Would you not buy something if you had to create an account to do so?
I'm just thinking that maybe I should have another avenue for selling my work online, just in case.

I have a scarf to put up but haven't gotten a chance to take photos of it yet. Mostly because I've been working a lot and then I get lazy when at home.

Well anyway I think I'm going to go snuggle up with The Boyfriend, because he has work tomorrow and I should make the most of what time we have together tonight.

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