Wednesday, September 3, 2008

some sketches and two finished pieces

I have recently realized that I suuuuck at drawing men! So I've been practicing lately in my sketchbook. I decided in this process that it's easier to draw ugly male creatures at first then to try and draw a typical human guy. A sort of round-a-bout way of learning, but whatever gets me to my destination! So here are some sketches:

Some sort of fat ogre guy.

Another ogre.

Satan. With a huge chin.

A monster with a silly look on his face.

Some guy that sort of resembles Solid Snake.

I also completed TWO pieces this week! One on Tuesday, the other today! I am on a roll! I start work on Saturday so I figured this is my last week where I KNOW I'll time to work... thus I want to get as much done as possible.

Anyway, I did this one today and I've been referring to it as "Patience is a Virtue"... because I realized that it would take quite a while of standing still to get such a web on one's braids!
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it... but I guess I like it.

I did this one yesterday (Tuesday). It's from a drawing I did a while ago... I believe in June or July. But I finally got around to painting it! I painted it all in one go, and I am quite happy with how it turned out. The little spot on her shoulder is rouge, same as one her cheeks :)

I have been having trouble getting my images into a digital format. My scanner is too small for most of my work, but the spiderweb-braid girl is rather tiny... so I tried scanning it but the colors were all washed out. I think I'll try again tomorrow and see if using Levels in Photo Shop sorts it out. If not, then I'm stuck. Ugh. The images I got for my Etsy prints were taken with a crazy expensive camera my brother has (and he took the images). I don't want to have to do that every time I make a piece. Oi.

In other news, things are quite excellent! Still no Etsy sales, but apparently it is very common for things to take a long while on that site. So I'm not worried...yet!


Michelle Harshberger Friesen said...

omg i LOVE the colors you chose for her! it's perfect!! It totally seems like old-fashioned performance colors- cabaret-like but also kind of circus-y!

Have you thought about doing sexy circus performer girls? Those would be some strange ladies-

contortionists, elephant riders, fire eaters, ring master, human cannonball, acrobats etc.mehhhhhbehh?

Her cheeks remind me of mrs.Lovett from Schweeny Todd :)

mad skillz homie! Erica will love this!

Serra said...

Thank you!! Those colors were by accident but they ended up being just what I wanted--I love happy mistakes!

I hadn't thought about sexy circus performers before, but I'm thinkin' about it now! Hehe