Friday, November 7, 2008


I am very passionate about equal rights for all human beings, regardless of skin color, nationality, religion (or lack of one), sexual orientation, etc. Therefore, although I was pleased that our country has elected its first African-American president, I was ashamed of my state, California, for voting to eliminate rights for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

Please join me in the fight against discrimination.

Go to to make contributions to the cause.
Go to to sign a petition and e-mail the website to your friends and family.

If you don't have money to donate, just signing the petition will help.

You can also show your disapproval by writing to your senators, governor, and other representatives, to let them know that you are ashamed by this step-backward our state has unfortunately taken.

With your help, I believe we can repeal Prop 8. It is unconstitutional, unfair, and wrong. Its' passing shows me that the majority of our population is diseased and bigoted. We must right this wrong and overturn this unfortunate decision.

I am usually not quite so political, but this is an issue that is dear to me. I believe that everyone truly is equal. And above all, I believe in Love. I believe that Love should conquer all. And I hope that it can conquer this.

Thank you so much for reading, and please do what you can to help our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

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