Friday, September 5, 2008

posting sketches on a full belly

I just ate a massive burrito--yum!

Anyway here are some sketches of a deep-water mermaid I did. They are a little small on the screen so just click it and it will be bigger!

She has various glowing orbs coming off of her with which to lure fishies---like an angler.

Close-up on her upper half. I want her to be mostly fish though, so even the skin that is "human" will be somewhat scaly and fish-looking (or that's the plan anyway).

No fishie! Don't go towards the light!

I also just got a commission today and it is going to be AWESOME! It's one of those ones I've always which the commissioner tells me "this is what I want, here's the reason behind it, do whatever looks good." I am so STOKED! It's due at the end of November so I'll have time to really rock it.

I start work tomorrow! I have to go to bed a lot earlier than normal because orientation starts at 7am... but that's okay, I really don't mind. I'll just take a nap later tomorrow!



Michelle Harshberger Friesen said...

i love this girl! i think this is totally DnD style/caliber/quality. Pictures help so much when playing the game, i think this will be dope! Can't wait to see it colored! Have you thought of a name for her? She looks pretty cool hence pretty complex/powerful, i would look up stats and stuff online or at your new work (congrats btw!) about what spells they cast, their alignment, their deities etc..

here's a really good one:

some of the DnD jargon will be hard to understand but you can see their weapon is a trident and they have low-light vision and (apparently) are usually 400 lbs! and 8' long! it also says it's favored class is bard so you might think about having her have an instrument or something.. she may not even be a mermaid necessarily- let me ask Greg but there are also like sea nymphs and maybe naga or something...
i don't think this website is exactly DnD- there are lots of rpg games but you get the idea.

sorry this comment is so long!

Serra said...

I haven't thought of a name or stats/spells/alignment/etc. But it would be fun to do that!

I *think* I read in the book that mermaids usually leave well enough alone, so I was thinking that she only attacks creatures that come into her lair... and maybe that she lures people/fishies with her glow-orbs and then strangles them with her hair? Is that something DnD creatures can do or do they have to have weapons?

I am going to color it as soon as I can!