Sunday, October 12, 2008

blow, blow, thou winter wind

It has been really cold here in Southern California for the past couple of days...and I LOVE it! The air itself if reminiscent of Christmas day, and there is a chill and bitter wind that picks up now and then. It makes me want to curl up with something nice to drink and read all of my favorite autumn books... Redwall, being the main one.

I am going to try and read Dickens' "A Christmas Carole" this year before Christmas, for real. Usually I just watch the Muppet Christmas Carole... which I will still be doing, but I want to read the actual book as well ;)

Now that I am working a lot of hours, I get art commissions! Go figure, hehe. But I am very glad that business seems to be picking up! I have a cute little scene commission to do, and then two dog portraits. Well, one of them is a commission and the other is a surprise gift for someone. I am also working on my own project: that deep-sea mermaid I posted the sketch of awhile back. I've finally gotten around to painting her! It's slow going because of my hours at work, but I am making good progress and I really like how it's going so far. Woo! Maybe I'll post some in-progress photos soon.

It's Sunday morning and I am such a happy girl. Yesterday was the most pleasant day one could ask for. The Boyfriend and I slept in, then went for a drive with the windows rolled down (I love crisp air and cold wind, I'm telling you). After our drive we went for a barefoot walk on his street, just so I could be outside for a little more. Then we showered and cuddled, watched some television... his parents took us out for dinner and then we came back to my house to sleep.
Beautiful day.

We were going to go sailing with my dad today, but the wind is too powerful and the temp. too cold. They shut down the sailing school yesterday because of the conditions so we were thinking that it's probably not a good idea for us newbs to try our hand at rough weather...
So instead Mr. Boyfriend is sleeping in and I am catching up on my email and internets. Then I think I'm going to go read.

Tomorrow is another day at work, and even though I have to get up early AND have a long day ahead of me, I really don't mind. The days go by so quickly in the cafe anyway that I'll be home and in Boyfriend's arms before I know it!
Given the commissions that have popped up I think I'm going to have to sketch during my breaks instead of read. Both of the commissions I'm doing need to be finished up by November, which is fast approaching.

What else? My tattoo is healing well. I think she might peel again but I'm not sure.
Now I'm just trying to solve the puzzle that is the rest of my arm. I don't know what should go next to Brunhilda. I just don't know! I think a portrait of some kind (but a stylized/weird one). I just don't know.

Well anyway, I'm off to read!

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