Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavily Tatooed Females: Fact or Legend?

It seems that girls with tattoos are seen as somewhat of a myth in Westlake, CA.

I cannot tell you how many customers ask me if my tattoos are real---one guy actually rubbed the one on my wrist because he was convinced it was a decal! Another customer asked if they were real and when I said "yes" he replied, "Oh... because... they aren't... angry."

Also, I find it a little offensive that in my own store, the tattoo magazines are in the "Men's Interest" section of the newsstand. :(

What is this weird trend? Why is it weird for a girl to have visible tattoos? Is it because they are on my arms? Is because I'm working on a sleeve? Is that somehow weirder than if I had one on my ankle or something?

All I know is that I get a lot of surprised looks at my job when people realize that I do not decorate my body with stickers or decals. Hah.

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