Monday, August 25, 2008

Finished Centaur

I finished the centaur piece today! It was really fun to work on. I've decided that I loooove super-girly pieces! I plan on doing more of them... possibly more featuring cute centaur ladies ;)

Here are some (grainy, I know) photos:

The colors in this one above are more accurate than the ones below. The below shot is a little dark, I think my shadow was getting in the way or something.


This is the first finished piece I have done in about three or four weeks! I was going through a conference-induced bout of depression and doubt, but I pulled through it and am doing the pieces that I want to do instead of the pieces I think I should be doing. In short I am a lot happier. I have no idea where this art career of mine is going to go, or whether it will go anywhere at all. I have some backups planned, but for now I am just trying my best to put my work out there.

I do my art for myself, but I hope that it is enjoyed by others as well. I want the prints on my Etsy store to find a loving home. It would be nice to think that a person other than myself or my family will wake up each morning and look at my work and smile, the way that I do that for the prints I have bought for my own abode.

I like what I do and the way that I do it. I've gotten a lot of crap because of my style, because of the way that I draw and the things I choose to draw. It's been for a lot of my college career and just recently, the SCBWI portfolio review. And for awhile I was ashamed to talk about that. But I am feeling more confident lately, and I just cannot accept that those nay-sayers are right. So I am continuing to be true to my heart, my art, and in the same fashion, myself.

Even if I never "make it" in the art world, even if I never become well-known or published, I will be able to say that I remained true to myself, and thus I will never have truly failed.

To me, failing is allowing others to change who you are. And how I draw is such a huge part of who I am that I simply cannot allow this emotional abuse to bring me down.

*ahem* anyway!
Now I am off to Boyfriend's house for some cuddles and maybe some Drake's Fortune! I am allllmost done with the game... I think! It got pretty scary all of a sudden. Normally I can't play scary games (I get too frightened! I know it's just a game but I AM that character and I could DIE! By a ZOMBIE or something!) but I am too invested in this game now so I can't quit.

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