Sunday, August 17, 2008

Monetarily Overwhelmed

I really wish office supplies didn't cost so much.

I've been calculating costs for various equipment that I will need in order to set up the ideal home office/studio.
Here's a run-down:
-Scanner w/ 11" x 17" bed: $1500 (unless I can figure out how to stitch together an image from multiple scans...)
-Printer: $70
-Copier (I scale sketches up and down a lot for final pieces): $250-500

Which is more necessary: an apartment or really good equipment? Probably the apartment or I wouldn't have a place to put the fancy hardware, I guess.
I really need a job. Preferably one with great pay and plenty of hours. Here's to hoping awesome-bookstore-job has an easy time with my references tomorrow...

In other news, the Olympics totally blows my mind. Is anyone else just completely befuddled by the idea they are watching history, LIVE? I saw Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal, and found out at the same time he did that he had broken a record. It sort of trips me out.

Today Boyfriend and I picked up Boyfriend's mom and sister at LAX. On the drive home traffic was terrible, and it was because someone's motor-home had either burst into flames or utterly exploded. They were cleaning up the remnants as we drove past, but it was brutal. I hope everyone inside made it out.

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing some sketching and starting a new piece. I'm looking forward to it---I haven't been able to do anything more than sketch since that reviewer ripped me a new one at the SCBWI conference. I think I finally got my personal power (mojo?) back, so we'll see how it goes.

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