Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am slowly developing a routine. I'm doing a lot better at work than even I was last week. Another full week completed and I've made a bunch of drinks now, I'm pretty confident in my abilities and now just need to get faster and also more familiar with the answers to questions customers ask about our drinks (i.e. I don't know everything that's in them, like how much coffee in a frappuchino vs. how much in something else).

I was able work on some art stuff this past week, and I'm hoping that soon I'll be able to do even more. I plan on drawing and painting all day after work on Wednesday.

Still no Etsy sales. I'm going to stop listing prints and list other things instead that would incorporate my art work yet be a useful item as well. So instead of offering just an image, I would offer a journal with that same image on it. I just have to figure out how to do something like that.

Being an artist is dang hard... because if you want it to be more than just a hobby, you have to really frickin' work at it! It takes so much time to create the work and then there's the whole marketing side, and the luck side... I just don't know. I'm trying really hard but things aren't going anywhere as of yet. I know that I could be doing more but now I am focusing a lot of my energy at work as well. So... I need to find a good balance. I still want to do some work to submit to various companies that I would love working for. It's something I want to do sooner rather than later, but time is definitely an issue for me lately.

Well I think I am going to go putz around now.


Jessica said...

I love your prints on etsy! I would totally buy one if i wasn't broke!

Serra said...

Thank you Jessica! It makes me so happy to hear that! :) :)