Monday, December 29, 2008


so I went to the doctor because the pain was unbearable, and the tension from trying to talk stiffened up the whole right side of my face and made my neck a little swollen. apparently I have a really bad canker sore caused by a virus (I guess I didn't bite my tongue, which makes sense because I didn't remember doing it, I just assumed that that's what the cause was)---the sore looks red and puffy around the edges so it's also possible it's a tad infected. they gave me an antibiotic commonly used for herpes: you can imagine how THAT made me feel, picking it up at the pharmacist! hah! but I guess cankers and cold sores are related, and cold sores=form of herpes. so I understand the medicine-connection.

they also gave me a powerful numbing gel. I was too scared to use a lot, but the tiny dab I put on the sore didn't really do anything, so in 4 hours (when I can re-apply), I'll use a little more until I find a good amount.

I had to leave work today because of this stupid thing (talking hurts and I talk a lot at my job), which I felt bad about. this guy Patrick was nice enough to come in and cover my shift, so at least I know they weren't short-handed.

so, back to work tomorrow. I'll shake this stupid malady soon enough! I shake my fist at canker sores strategically placed to prevent eating! bah! (although I was able to eat some chow mein and orange chicken... juuuust soft enough that I powered through the pain and got some solid food in me. hooray!)

back to bed.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

it's in the singing of a street corner choir...

holiday update:
-I got most of what I wanted for Christmas. What I didn't get, I don't mind waiting until my birthday for. I am content.
-Work hasn't been too bad, lately. Busy, but manageable. I am a stone you can't squeeze blood from. I am a leaf on the wind!
-Everyone liked their gifts, for which I am most thankful.
-I bit my tongue really hard on accident, and now I lisp when I talk and I'm having problems eating/drinking/brushing my teeth/swallowing. Ugh!
-I just made my next tattoo appointment! January 9th!

Now I just have to think of some good New Year's resolutions or something.
I'm excited about N.Y.'s Eve... Daniel and I are going to get trashed! I finally found some straight alcohol that I enjoy drinking (as opposed to those fruity girl drinks that you have to drink ten of just to get tispy). So it'll be a good start to the new year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

another one bites the dust

Just finished another dog portrait for a client. It was the biggest challenge yet, but I am really happy with the way it turned out. I hope she likes it!

Work was pretty good today. It went by fast, and that's all I can ever hope for. So then I came home and was reluctant to paint, due to my exhaustion, but I delved deep within and must have mustered up something good, because I finished the entire painting in one sitting!
That's what I love about the dog portraits. They are challenging, and yet go quickly. I think it's because I enjoy them.

I have gotten a few people to call me "Fraulein" quite regularly. You can't imagine how very happy this makes me.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

spread the word

I want to be called "Fraulein" instead of using my name. I think it would be boss.
(it's just a proper German word equivalent to 'miss' for Americans, used for unmarried women. But doesn't it sound just so wonderful?)

Friday, December 12, 2008

weird day + some paintings

Today started out innocently enough, but by 1pm it all started to become very weird. I'm feeling better now, but for awhile I was seriously questioning my existence. You of those days.

There are some new paintings up at my art
Check them out! They are Xmas gifts for some people I work with. When I enjoy working with you, you get paintings! See how that works out?

Boyfriend gets off work sometime between 10pm and 10:30pm. I am anxious for him to come home. My head hurts and I seriously need some cuddles. I have work tomorrow from 10am-6pm. I'm not looking forward to working on a Saturday. It seems like the only Saturdays Boyfriend doesn't work are the very ones on which I get scheduled. It is a cruel world, sometimes.

I love the holidays and I am very glad that they are fast approaching! I did all of my Christmas shopping this past week and I am very excited to see what my friends and family think of their gifts. All that remains to be done is some scarf-finishing, another drawing (for Tony), and some holiday baking and card-writing. I also have a dog-painting commission that is still outstanding, so I will be working on that along with everything else.

I am hoping that my tattoo shop will be open on January 2nd or 3rd! I asked for those days off to visit my family in NoCal, but those plans fell through for awhile (my grandpa is sick), and so I have some days to myself. What better thing to use them for than a new tattoo?

I am reading the book Twilight for the first time, and I must say... it's not the fabulous piece of literature its popularity would suggest. I understood the Harry Potter franchise because I really did believe the books were well-written. But I understand that with Twilight, what is winning out is merely the draw of handsome young vampires and a romantic story. The book is okay, but it's a little tedious at times and the gullibility of Bella is astounding. I know there doesn't need to be pages and pages of her disbelief, but it could be a much rockier acceptance of the truth than in the book. I also think a healthy editing would have done the book a great service.
It's okay. It's enjoyable enough to read, but I find myself longing to read some Anne Rice instead at times.

Well anyway, off to do some knitting!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I just spent a lot on Xmas gifts.
Now I just need money for tattoos.
And to pay one of my favorite artists to sketch a girl for me so that I can get it as a tattoo. Not sure if he'd do it, but after I get his one drawing as a tat, maybe it will up my chances of him taking an hour for that specific purpose.

One can hope.

Monday, December 1, 2008

sad thing, happy thing

sad thing: my grandpa is going to have surgery soon, if he hasn't already had it. pretty nasty surgery. he'll be okay, but... it's still a very sad situation.

happy thing(s): I'm painting tonight + work was pretty good today.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

work was a nightmare

I cried at work today. Luckily I made it to my lunch before breaking down; I spent the whole half-hour upset. It was one of the most stressful work days I have ever had.

However, everyone was so super nice to me, that it made it all better. I love my co-workers! Everyone is so lovely and supportive! They are the best kind of bandage.

Hopefully Black Friday is a little better than today was. But it probably won't be.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


why do I do this to myself?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I left work early today because I wasn't feeling that great. I'm not precisely sick, more like I can feel something coming on and I want to do my best to fight it BEFORE I get sick. So when I got home I ate warm food, read in bed, and napped a little. It seems to have helped for the most part, although there's still this weird thickness in my throat and the back of my nasal passage. I don't really know how to describe it other than it feels like the start of a head cold. Let's hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning I'll be right as rain!

Sick or not, though, I'm going to work tomorrow. I felt bad leaving early today and I don't want to miss any more work this week. So I'm going.

I have Thursday and Friday off, though, so I can rest up then, too.

Friday is my anniversary with Boyfriend!

Friday, November 14, 2008

you could be a part time model

(but you'd probably have to keep your regular job)

I know this blog went from an artist-marketing tool into a more a personal escapade, but no matter. I feel that to know my art, you have to know me, and vice versa. I would very much like to post more sketches and in-progress photos, but I am working so much that my free time is very limited, and lately I have been pouring all that I am into my secret project, which doesn't have much to do with art. It's all about prioritizing. And I guess with my art, I'm just trying to keep it sacred.

There's a myth in Hinduism that Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) and Sarasvati (the goddess of creativity) are jealous rivals, and that if you court only Lakshmi, Sarasvati's gifts will surely leave you. I felt that I was trying desperately to woo Lakshmi, and that Sarasvati was starting to get very impatient with me. I am now trying to win her back, and as such I have not been "on my game" when it comes to marketing myself and my craft.

But I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and I am okay with my art taking a backseat (professionally speaking) for a little bit. I still want to submit to SageWoman and to Wizards of the Coast... that will always be one of my goals. But I've just tired lately, and it's nice to just SKETCH, without any thoughts of whether the image will be sell-able or if I should try submitting it, or.... etc.

If that counts as "giving up," then maybe I have for now. Not forever. But just for now.

It doesn't mean I'm not drawing. I'm just not pimping myself as much as I tried to do right before/right after the SCBWI conference.

That conference really killed me. It really did. And I guess my confidence in myself has never been the same. I don't know what I want from myself, or my skill. I just know that I want to be happy. And having my drawings be my children again, instead of my whores, feels good. Feels right.
(I know that's a weird way to put it, but that's how I was starting to feel).

I don't know if anyone reads this, but even if I'm typing this only for myself, it's nice to realize that I'm starting to become happy with my art again. Maybe some day I can be "an artist"... full time, part time, whatever. My commissions are going well lately, and that counts (of course), but obviously the dream is to draw whatever I want and get paid to do it... right?

Too bad I don't know how to begin with the whole gallery process. I think that would be fun, without the stress of the "freelance illustrator" thing hanging over my head. I just have no idea how to start.

I'm just shooting for the moon and hoping that WHEN I fall, at least maybe I'll reach a star or two...

EDIT: (after a good half-hour of thinking)
I realized that I haven't actually given up, but I am at a complete loss for how to proceed. After I posted I looked at a bunch of galleries online, noted which were accepting submissions...I just wish I had time to put together a solid selection of new work that all related to one another and could be potentially put together as a show. Because I have a feeling that's what they'd want to see.

Oh and as you can see, I changed my blog address. I want to have a solid art one (which will be, even if I only update once in awhile.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Grease Light-ning!

Just as I was leaving for work I got a call from my manager saying not to come in today, because the cafe will not be open; the grease trap at the Cafe overflowed. I have to call at 4pm to see if work will resume tomorrow... but it may not.

So! Poor Tony. But it's nice to get a surprise day off. I immediately jumped back in my jammies, slept for a few hours, and now that Boyfriend has gone to work I am going to continue on my project.


Friday, November 7, 2008


I am very passionate about equal rights for all human beings, regardless of skin color, nationality, religion (or lack of one), sexual orientation, etc. Therefore, although I was pleased that our country has elected its first African-American president, I was ashamed of my state, California, for voting to eliminate rights for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

Please join me in the fight against discrimination.

Go to to make contributions to the cause.
Go to to sign a petition and e-mail the website to your friends and family.

If you don't have money to donate, just signing the petition will help.

You can also show your disapproval by writing to your senators, governor, and other representatives, to let them know that you are ashamed by this step-backward our state has unfortunately taken.

With your help, I believe we can repeal Prop 8. It is unconstitutional, unfair, and wrong. Its' passing shows me that the majority of our population is diseased and bigoted. We must right this wrong and overturn this unfortunate decision.

I am usually not quite so political, but this is an issue that is dear to me. I believe that everyone truly is equal. And above all, I believe in Love. I believe that Love should conquer all. And I hope that it can conquer this.

Thank you so much for reading, and please do what you can to help our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

are you a good witch or a bad witch?

My head hurts, so I can't do much by way of reading or writing, or even sketching, to pass the time. At the moment I'm best suited for pointless activity. So I messed around in Photoshop a little and changed the colors on an old picture of me.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?


So the issue at work got resolved. I spoke with the store manager and my direct manager and they had a talk with the offending person about the attitude problem.
Today was the first day we've been scheduled together since then and there were no problems. So that's good.

Obama is president, and for that I am happy. But I really am hating on CA right now. I can't believe we passed Prop8. So many of my friends are gay, and I hate living in a state that believes they are evil and undeserving of rights. Isn't it just RICH that intolerant bigots are allowed to marry other intolerant bigots, and breed baby intolerant bigots, but people who are in love can't get married or adopt children?

I also hate that I live in Simi Valley, who just BARELY voted for Obama.


Anyway, in other news, I've recently finished up a few commissions! So it was nice to get a little work and cash for my art :) I have one more that I'm doing, it's a tattoo design for one of the managers at the store. I had too much coffee and am crashing so I probably won't do it today, but maybe soon. Then I want to get back to my evil mermaid!

Secret project is going well. Very well!

I got a book today about evil kings and queens from Europe. It has huge full-color paintings and it seems super dope! I can't wait to read it! I love morbid monarchs.

I am working tomorrow and Friday... I have also worked Mon, Tues, and today of this week. I am getting sleepy! Next week I go back to Mon-Thurs though, but on Tues and Thurs I come in at 7:30am and open all by myself! Crazy! So we'll see how that goes, eh?

Boyfriend is at work right now. We were as ships passing in the night, him leaving mere minutes before I got home. I could really use some cuddles right now, so this fact of his absence makes me a sad goose.

I believe I shall go read now, though. Away!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

my belly is full

I drank my soda too fast and now I feel like Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. "You're turning violet, Violet!" and all of that.

It's another Saturday here at the house. Boyfriend is at work, parents are in Vegas (my dad has a work conference and my mom went with), and the brothers are going to the movies with friends in an hour or so. It'll be nice to be here by myself. I can't tell you the last time I had the whole house to do as I pleased! I'll probably just stay in my room and work on my secret project, but it is nice to KNOW that I could do whatever I wanted and no one would stop me!

This week was pretty good. I had less hours than normal at work, even though only 4 less. It was kind of nice to go in later on Wednesday instead of opening. I felt like a college kid cutting class! I don't work this Wednesday at all, but I work Saturday instead, which is kind of a bummer. Watch, it will be the first Saturday Boyfriend doesn't work!

My job is the coolest in the world except for this one person working there. I won't name names or tell genders even, but this person is very condescending towards me and doesn't treat me very well. Work is golden until this person shows up, and then things go sour and I have a hard time getting my job done. On those days I usually leave feeling aggravated and upset. I don't know what to do about it, either. I am still the new kid and I don't want my managers to feel like I am the one causing problems. But this person really is making it a difficult work environment for me. This person treats me like I am stupid---and I assure you, I am not. I didn't graduate from university with a BA, Summa Cum Laude (GPA of 3.9 or above), by being of low intelligence. Making a mistake at my cafe job should not be an indicator of my mental capacity.

I just don't know what to do. Should I talk to a superior about this issue? Should I request to no longer be scheduled with this person? I don't want to make more work for my managers and I don't want to be a problem. But really... I love my job until I have to work with the person in question, and then I am miserable.

Anyway, it's time to throw in another load of laundry.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

whistle while you work---or try to keep from swearing

Naw I'm just kidding, work is going fine :) Both kinds of work, actually! Today is one of my days off so I got down to another kind of business and did the line drawing for a dog portrait I was commissioned to paint. After I post on here I'm also going to clean up a sketch for another painting I am doing for a client. The dog piece looks really nice and I am excited to start painting it on my next full day off---which is Wednesday (well I have a day off tomorrow but a girl's gotta get some time to read, right?)

The Boyfriend has been working a lot this week. He got hired a few months ago at GameStop, and the manager had planned to take him to a new GameStop that was opening up in another part of town. But the store opening kept getting pushed back and back and Boyfriend wasn't getting many hours at the 'old' store because there was already a full payroll of employees. But this week the new store opened---Boyfriend worked Monday-Wednesday from 8am-5pm setting up shelves and getting the games and whatnot ready, and then has worked Friday, today, and will be working tomorrow as well... because now instead of being the reserve employee who snags extra hours, he's one of the main Game Advisors at this new store.
I am happy that he's getting more hours and in turn will be getting slightly heftier paychecks. But I miss him, too. :( It just makes me glad that both of us waited to get intensive jobs until I graduated college... because with me working as much as I do, and now him working a lot, if I had to go to school as well we would never get to see eachother!
As it stands we aren't getting a whole lot of time together, because I work 8am-4:20pm Monday through Thursday (or any other configuration of 4 days a week) and Boyfriend works afternoons and evenings usually.

Some days we are as ships passing in the night, me getting home right after he leaves.

But it does spur us on to saving up for our own place. Because if we lived together, we would definitely have time together before bed and in the morning. You know? So...we need to get on that. Our self-imposed deadline so far is August 2009 for apartment-age. I like to KNOW that I can afford things instead of just jumping in, so I figure that by then we'll have enough money saved up that we won't ever get into significant trouble.

Work on my secret project is going well. Some of the ladies at work have been asking questions because they see me working on it during my breaks. But I am really superstitious and I don't want people to know details because I don't want other energies to fiddle with my gung-ho energies regarding the work. So... it's going to be a secret until I can get it done :) And I have no idea when that will be!

My tattoo is healing really well! She is officially 3 weeks old! She's still a little bit raised but I'm hoping that it will go down within the next week. I love the new addition to my arm and have been getting a lot of compliments on her! But according to my impatient personality I am already planning ahead... I have the next 3 tattoos figured out already :P I have the money for two more but I am afraid to get the next one so close to the one I just got because my parents might kill me. So I have to weigh my options: getting two tattoos within 2 or 3 months of eachother and being super stoked vs. dying by my parents' hands. Hmm.
I know I'm 22 but I still don't want them to have heart attacks on my account.

Well! I should get back to work before Boyfriend gets home!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavily Tatooed Females: Fact or Legend?

It seems that girls with tattoos are seen as somewhat of a myth in Westlake, CA.

I cannot tell you how many customers ask me if my tattoos are real---one guy actually rubbed the one on my wrist because he was convinced it was a decal! Another customer asked if they were real and when I said "yes" he replied, "Oh... because... they aren't... angry."

Also, I find it a little offensive that in my own store, the tattoo magazines are in the "Men's Interest" section of the newsstand. :(

What is this weird trend? Why is it weird for a girl to have visible tattoos? Is it because they are on my arms? Is because I'm working on a sleeve? Is that somehow weirder than if I had one on my ankle or something?

All I know is that I get a lot of surprised looks at my job when people realize that I do not decorate my body with stickers or decals. Hah.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

blow, blow, thou winter wind

It has been really cold here in Southern California for the past couple of days...and I LOVE it! The air itself if reminiscent of Christmas day, and there is a chill and bitter wind that picks up now and then. It makes me want to curl up with something nice to drink and read all of my favorite autumn books... Redwall, being the main one.

I am going to try and read Dickens' "A Christmas Carole" this year before Christmas, for real. Usually I just watch the Muppet Christmas Carole... which I will still be doing, but I want to read the actual book as well ;)

Now that I am working a lot of hours, I get art commissions! Go figure, hehe. But I am very glad that business seems to be picking up! I have a cute little scene commission to do, and then two dog portraits. Well, one of them is a commission and the other is a surprise gift for someone. I am also working on my own project: that deep-sea mermaid I posted the sketch of awhile back. I've finally gotten around to painting her! It's slow going because of my hours at work, but I am making good progress and I really like how it's going so far. Woo! Maybe I'll post some in-progress photos soon.

It's Sunday morning and I am such a happy girl. Yesterday was the most pleasant day one could ask for. The Boyfriend and I slept in, then went for a drive with the windows rolled down (I love crisp air and cold wind, I'm telling you). After our drive we went for a barefoot walk on his street, just so I could be outside for a little more. Then we showered and cuddled, watched some television... his parents took us out for dinner and then we came back to my house to sleep.
Beautiful day.

We were going to go sailing with my dad today, but the wind is too powerful and the temp. too cold. They shut down the sailing school yesterday because of the conditions so we were thinking that it's probably not a good idea for us newbs to try our hand at rough weather...
So instead Mr. Boyfriend is sleeping in and I am catching up on my email and internets. Then I think I'm going to go read.

Tomorrow is another day at work, and even though I have to get up early AND have a long day ahead of me, I really don't mind. The days go by so quickly in the cafe anyway that I'll be home and in Boyfriend's arms before I know it!
Given the commissions that have popped up I think I'm going to have to sketch during my breaks instead of read. Both of the commissions I'm doing need to be finished up by November, which is fast approaching.

What else? My tattoo is healing well. I think she might peel again but I'm not sure.
Now I'm just trying to solve the puzzle that is the rest of my arm. I don't know what should go next to Brunhilda. I just don't know! I think a portrait of some kind (but a stylized/weird one). I just don't know.

Well anyway, I'm off to read!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Some photos...

A slightly bloody version of my new Pokemon tattoo! Milotic! The scab just fell off this past week, and it is healing quite nicely so far. If you don't know, Milotic is the one on the bottom. It looks painted on because it's brand new. The one above is a Pokemon called Combee.

This is how my sleeve looks so far. I am also going to be adding tattoos right under Brunhilda, next to her on her left, and on the back of that arm. The sleeve is a slow process so far but it's coming along!

My dog and me.

I have to put my hair up for work while it's still wet. I've been doing buns lately so when I come home and let my hair down it's all nice and curly. I wish it looked this styled every day but alas I have the straightest hair known to man normally.

Time to go!


I am slowly developing a routine. I'm doing a lot better at work than even I was last week. Another full week completed and I've made a bunch of drinks now, I'm pretty confident in my abilities and now just need to get faster and also more familiar with the answers to questions customers ask about our drinks (i.e. I don't know everything that's in them, like how much coffee in a frappuchino vs. how much in something else).

I was able work on some art stuff this past week, and I'm hoping that soon I'll be able to do even more. I plan on drawing and painting all day after work on Wednesday.

Still no Etsy sales. I'm going to stop listing prints and list other things instead that would incorporate my art work yet be a useful item as well. So instead of offering just an image, I would offer a journal with that same image on it. I just have to figure out how to do something like that.

Being an artist is dang hard... because if you want it to be more than just a hobby, you have to really frickin' work at it! It takes so much time to create the work and then there's the whole marketing side, and the luck side... I just don't know. I'm trying really hard but things aren't going anywhere as of yet. I know that I could be doing more but now I am focusing a lot of my energy at work as well. So... I need to find a good balance. I still want to do some work to submit to various companies that I would love working for. It's something I want to do sooner rather than later, but time is definitely an issue for me lately.

Well I think I am going to go putz around now.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

moving right along

So I made it through my week of 7.75 hour shifts! The last two days, Wednesday and Thursday, I wasn't nearly as tired when I got home, which restores my faith that I will be able to continue my artistic endeavors and work a lot at the same time. I am very happy about this! Especially since it was very nice to make as much money as I did this week :)

I am getting better at my job. I made my first unsupervised drink on Thursday! I was so proud of myself! It was an iced latte and I did it just right! (I know because after the customer walked away I checked the instructions and I was correct) So next week is a repeat of the same hours, and I am looking forward to making more drinks and then coming home to work on my art projects and maybe get some more prints up for sale on my Etsy store (

Thursday after work I got another tattoo! I will post pictures a.s.a.p. but for now I'll just tell you that it's another Pokemon (Milotic), and it's on the same arm as the other color pieces. It looks so amazing! It's on my inner forearm/left wrist... for some reason that spot, for me, hurts so much more than my bicep tattoo did. This new one was pretty painful, and it bled a lot more. BUT when I washed it afterward, it hurt less than it normally does. It's also healing pretty fast. The scab doesn't hurt too bad anymore, and it's only a couple of days old. I'm hoping it only takes a couple of weeks to heal instead of a full month like Brunhilda and Shiva/Shakti.

So, I'm sad that my prints in my Etsy shop aren't selling. I don't know if it's because sales on Etsy are always slow for new sellers, or if it's something that I'm doing. I've been thinking that perhaps the fact people have to sign up for an Etsy account to buy might have something to do with it?
Would you not buy something if you had to create an account to do so?
I'm just thinking that maybe I should have another avenue for selling my work online, just in case.

I have a scarf to put up but haven't gotten a chance to take photos of it yet. Mostly because I've been working a lot and then I get lazy when at home.

Well anyway I think I'm going to go snuggle up with The Boyfriend, because he has work tomorrow and I should make the most of what time we have together tonight.

Monday, September 22, 2008

first 8 hour shift

So today I worked almost an 8-hour shift. In the past I've worked 4 hours in a day, but today is the beginning of my new schedule at work, which for the next three weeks (and likely beyond that) is Monday-Thursday 8am to 4:20pm.

I. Am. So. Tired.

It's not so much that I am tired, but my feet and my eyes and my speech.

I want to be able to draw when I get home from work. I will try later. I hope that I can. I also wanted to start taking bellydance classes once a week after my shift. I am thinking that once I get used to working long hours, it won't be too bad.

I still absolutely love my job, I just have to get used to being super focused and busy for a huge length of time :)


Monday, September 15, 2008

connected, connected... protected, protected....

EGADS! I have that stupid Barbie friends commercial song stuck in my head... it's some movie about Barbie and her friend, and naturally they made dolls to buy along with the movie. They have singing heart necklaces or something to that effect. The song drives me MAD and yet always manages to get lodged in my skull.
Not cool. Not cool.

So anyway, it's Monday and I've had a very productive day. I worked for a long while on a commission I am doing for a wonderful gentlemen (and friend of mine). It is a piece set in space, so today I spent roughly 3 hours simply coloring the background... pure, flat black. Why did this take me so long, you ask? Because I'm working with colored pencils and it's really dang hard to color large spaces a flat color! But I took my time and I think I succeeded quite thoroughly. So now I just have to color the moon-ground, the stars/swirling galaxies that bisect the space background, the space cadet, and the alien babe and this commission is done! I am very excited for how it is turning out. I hope to finish it either tomorrow (if I work all day) or Wednesday (if I work half-days both days).

Yesterday was my second day of work and my first day in the cafe. Let me tell you, I LOVE working in the cafe! All of the people are super nice, I was busy all day so the time went by at a very pleasant pace...
I learned how to make coffee (regular), decaf coffee, hot tea, iced tea, and how to heat up various food items. I also bussed tables, served tiny scone samples, and practiced a bit on the register.
I still have a LOT to learn... I saw the other trainee steam milk but I didn't get a chance to try it, and I still need to learn how to make the crazy coffee drinks like lattes and whatnot. But I feel like I'm going at a good pace and probably within a month or so I'll be doing well. At least I hope so!

I work again on Wednesday and Thursday, and next week I have 31 hours! Wow! I feel like they mistakenly gave me all those hours because I am new, but I am excited and I do hope that they meant to, because I love going to work and if I really do have 31 hours next week then that is a great chance for me to learn so much more!

What else...
SO! Since I am now getting some pay checks I feel like it's a great time to get a new tattoo! The guy in charge of my training, Patrick, commented on my ink and said he wants to get one (as soon as he figures out what he wants)... which I think means having tattoos at B&N is okay. I have been wearing short sleeves lately so my manager must have noticed, but since she hasn't said anything, I think it's probably fine. So my new one will be another Pokemon, Milotic... who in the Pokemon universe is the most beautiful Pokemon, but it evolves from a really ugly one. Which I like. Also it says in the sticker book I have (I know, I'm a nerd) that Milotic can calm even the most violent tempers. So I am excited about her joining my tattoo family!
I'm also planning two more, which I will most likely get in January or February if I'm still making good money. Those will be a secret until closer to the time. I like sitting on tattoo ideas until I'm very very sure.

I just started readin "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte, and it's very good! I also want to start reading a second book in a series by James Patterson...the Maximum Ride series. I usually don't read two books at one time but I have to have the receipt for my books if I bring them into the break room at work. Wuthering Heights is from the library so I can bring that one, but Maximum Ride has to stay home. So I figure it's as good a time as any to read two at once!

Well I am going to go do some knitting and then read!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

first day of work

I had my first day of work yesterday and it was amazing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

working girl

So! I forgot to mention where I am working now!

I am a Cafe girl at Barnes and Noble! (Which I think also means I technically work for Starbucks, since both logos are on my apron...?) Tomorrow is my first day on the job, so I'll be doing my training. I get to learn to be a cashier, barista, and a support person (that's the person who busses tables and keeps everything clean and readily stocked)... since in one day of work one person will do all three.
It seems very challenging and fast-paced but also very fun. I am looking forward to it! I just hope I don't totally suck... haha.

I bought work clothes today... three pairs of black pants, two black button-up collared shirts, no-slip restaurant-approved shoes, and a watch (because breaks are scheduled at very specific times so I have to watch the clock a lot).

My shift tomorrow is from 8:45am-1:00pm. I am happy about having the morning/day shifts because I'll be able to come home and have time to draw without interrupting art-time to go to work. I'd rather work daytime than nighttime, so I'm glad they need a day-girl :)

I am very happy that I got this job. It will allow me to remain creative without sapping my art-juices on other people's projects. I feel really gung-ho! I am so excited!!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

love love love

I love love love my job!
Orientation was today and I have the best feeling about this...!

Friday, September 5, 2008

posting sketches on a full belly

I just ate a massive burrito--yum!

Anyway here are some sketches of a deep-water mermaid I did. They are a little small on the screen so just click it and it will be bigger!

She has various glowing orbs coming off of her with which to lure fishies---like an angler.

Close-up on her upper half. I want her to be mostly fish though, so even the skin that is "human" will be somewhat scaly and fish-looking (or that's the plan anyway).

No fishie! Don't go towards the light!

I also just got a commission today and it is going to be AWESOME! It's one of those ones I've always which the commissioner tells me "this is what I want, here's the reason behind it, do whatever looks good." I am so STOKED! It's due at the end of November so I'll have time to really rock it.

I start work tomorrow! I have to go to bed a lot earlier than normal because orientation starts at 7am... but that's okay, I really don't mind. I'll just take a nap later tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

some sketches and two finished pieces

I have recently realized that I suuuuck at drawing men! So I've been practicing lately in my sketchbook. I decided in this process that it's easier to draw ugly male creatures at first then to try and draw a typical human guy. A sort of round-a-bout way of learning, but whatever gets me to my destination! So here are some sketches:

Some sort of fat ogre guy.

Another ogre.

Satan. With a huge chin.

A monster with a silly look on his face.

Some guy that sort of resembles Solid Snake.

I also completed TWO pieces this week! One on Tuesday, the other today! I am on a roll! I start work on Saturday so I figured this is my last week where I KNOW I'll time to work... thus I want to get as much done as possible.

Anyway, I did this one today and I've been referring to it as "Patience is a Virtue"... because I realized that it would take quite a while of standing still to get such a web on one's braids!
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it... but I guess I like it.

I did this one yesterday (Tuesday). It's from a drawing I did a while ago... I believe in June or July. But I finally got around to painting it! I painted it all in one go, and I am quite happy with how it turned out. The little spot on her shoulder is rouge, same as one her cheeks :)

I have been having trouble getting my images into a digital format. My scanner is too small for most of my work, but the spiderweb-braid girl is rather tiny... so I tried scanning it but the colors were all washed out. I think I'll try again tomorrow and see if using Levels in Photo Shop sorts it out. If not, then I'm stuck. Ugh. The images I got for my Etsy prints were taken with a crazy expensive camera my brother has (and he took the images). I don't want to have to do that every time I make a piece. Oi.

In other news, things are quite excellent! Still no Etsy sales, but apparently it is very common for things to take a long while on that site. So I'm not worried...yet!

Friday, August 29, 2008

these wheels are beginning to turn

Things are not certain at this moment in time, but my life is starting to take a positive turn. Well, my life has always been a positive one, but the difference now is that I am seeing a manifestation of the hopes I've had in the past, so things are more wonderfully possible now than they ever have been before!

With the creeping onset of the Autumnal season, I am beginning to notice change not only in my circumstance, but in my inner being as well. I have been re-evaluating my life a great deal lately, and trying to figure out what I want from this existence of mine. The result is that I am re-prioritizing, looking at myself and my potential futures in a very real way.

I have come to terms with the fact that my childhood/adolescent dreams of being rich and famous are probably not going to pan out. So in response I have embraced the idea of a very simple life, with a very simple future, and a very simple growing-up. My only ambitious dream these days is to perhaps afford a house in San Francisco one day. That, for me, would mean that I am rich.

With my newfound employment at a bookstore cafe (which will hopefully begin in a week or so), I have been considering also the role of art in my life. It is such a huge part of me, and I am so excited about the projects I have in my head! I have this huge list of pieces that I wrote down last week---17 drawings and paintings that I want to tackle! Not to mention my wanting to submit to Wizards of the Coast and a few magazines! But since I will not have to rely on art for my sole income, I am giving a lot of thought to the kind of art I want to spend my hard-won free time on. I am trying to figure out my personality and how it relates to my art, namely how it relates to the kind of freelance jobs/commissions I want to work and what I need to step away from in favor of projects that will be more personally fulfilling. But where can I draw the line? I don't want to be picky, and it will be hard for me to turn down work. If someone wants me to draw something for them, and they are willing to pay me, I want to make them happy. Yet, sometimes the project is just not my type of thing, and I end up being unhappy or frustrated.

Is it better to accept all jobs for money and be unhappy in some, or to be picky and have to work somewhere else for income, and be happy with every project?

This is one of the questions I have been asking myself.

I guess I just like a lot of freedom, and I like the idea of someone coming to me and saying, "Draw us a zombie vomiting up another zombie" and then it is my duty to make it excellent, with a bang-up composition and a well-executed technical aspect. I don't know if freelance work like this exists, but oh! I hope it does, if not just for me!

Anyway, my brother just stepped in to show me something, and now I've lost my train of thought. So off I go to read and enjoy some snuggles with a still-sleeping Boyfriend.

I guess the main point of this post, though, is that I am looking forward to Autumn and the changes it will bring: in season, in weather, in fashion, in food, and in myself.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Finished Centaur

I finished the centaur piece today! It was really fun to work on. I've decided that I loooove super-girly pieces! I plan on doing more of them... possibly more featuring cute centaur ladies ;)

Here are some (grainy, I know) photos:

The colors in this one above are more accurate than the ones below. The below shot is a little dark, I think my shadow was getting in the way or something.


This is the first finished piece I have done in about three or four weeks! I was going through a conference-induced bout of depression and doubt, but I pulled through it and am doing the pieces that I want to do instead of the pieces I think I should be doing. In short I am a lot happier. I have no idea where this art career of mine is going to go, or whether it will go anywhere at all. I have some backups planned, but for now I am just trying my best to put my work out there.

I do my art for myself, but I hope that it is enjoyed by others as well. I want the prints on my Etsy store to find a loving home. It would be nice to think that a person other than myself or my family will wake up each morning and look at my work and smile, the way that I do that for the prints I have bought for my own abode.

I like what I do and the way that I do it. I've gotten a lot of crap because of my style, because of the way that I draw and the things I choose to draw. It's been for a lot of my college career and just recently, the SCBWI portfolio review. And for awhile I was ashamed to talk about that. But I am feeling more confident lately, and I just cannot accept that those nay-sayers are right. So I am continuing to be true to my heart, my art, and in the same fashion, myself.

Even if I never "make it" in the art world, even if I never become well-known or published, I will be able to say that I remained true to myself, and thus I will never have truly failed.

To me, failing is allowing others to change who you are. And how I draw is such a huge part of who I am that I simply cannot allow this emotional abuse to bring me down.

*ahem* anyway!
Now I am off to Boyfriend's house for some cuddles and maybe some Drake's Fortune! I am allllmost done with the game... I think! It got pretty scary all of a sudden. Normally I can't play scary games (I get too frightened! I know it's just a game but I AM that character and I could DIE! By a ZOMBIE or something!) but I am too invested in this game now so I can't quit.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Online Shop

My online shop is up and running! There are only a few items up, but there will be more soon so never fear!

Check it out:

just click on the above button! Or if you want you can also copy and paste the following:

I am so excited!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Serra Got Her Groove Back!

Here are some sketches I've done lately. Apologies for some of these being kind of light, but my scanner is smaller than my sketchbook AND the scanner has distinct edges, so... makes it kind of hard to get a perfect scan :P For the too-light ones, just click on the image to see a bigger version. It's a little darker if you do that.

A character I've been developing named Abigail. Those faint things at her feet are mushrooms.

More Abigail. I've been trying to practice drawing characters multiple times and at different angles and have it still look like the same character. Since I usually draw single scenes this has never been a concern of mine, but now that I want to illustrate some stories, I should improve!

When I tried to think what my Muse would look like, this is what came out. I got tired of drawing before I could finish her other hand ;)

The following are from Challenge: Pet! over at the Art Challenge Blog I have with my friend Michelle. Check it out!:

A fish on a leash!

Sadie's Pet Dinosaur

Some French Bulldogs. Since they are French I gave them some French accessories: a beret and striped shirt!

I've also been working on coloring that centaur I posted earlier. It's some slow going (I got distracted yesterday and didn't work on it like I had wanted) but it'll get done soon. I have the whole sky background colored, am going to do the grass and environmental elements later today, and then maybe color the centaur herself tomorrow after I come back from the dentist (filling, ugh).

In other news, I am feeling much back to my old cheery self. Some things were bumming me out, but I've learned to either accept them, or say "Screw that! I'll do it MY way!". Thus I am now a happy girl again!

On the job front, I have an interview with a children's art center/day care on Friday! And I'm still waiting to hear back from cool-bookstore-job.
Things are looking up! I don't feel like such a bum when I draw all day, either. So that's an improvement as well!

Hey! I shouldn't have to remind anyone but remember that these images belong to me! If I find out you stole them I'mma gonna hunt you down!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Art Day Today

I did some art today! This is a piece I've been sitting on for some time, and today I was finally able to get right down to it and transfer/ink the image. I had some other things to get to today as well, so tomorrow is coloring-day.

She's a little centaur with a magic apple!

A rather blurry image of her upper half. I do not claim to be a photographer.

Her lower half.

Below are some photos of my "work space," aka: my bed. No, I do not have a usable art table. Woe is me, but perchance I will be able to get one when I can get myself an apartment!

My images start out as xerox copies of my sketches. I just scribble on the back with a 4b pencil and re-trace the lines. Some people don't like to transfer, but I think sketching is my best skill so I like to go directly from my sketches instead of re-drawing.

I believe I was watching "Locked up Abroad" on National Geographic at the time. I LOVE that show!

As I said, I'm going to color this piece tomorrow. I will also upload some sketches I did today--I scanned them wrong so I'll re-scan them tomorrow (the scanner is hooked up to my dad's computer and I already turned it off).

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Monetarily Overwhelmed

I really wish office supplies didn't cost so much.

I've been calculating costs for various equipment that I will need in order to set up the ideal home office/studio.
Here's a run-down:
-Scanner w/ 11" x 17" bed: $1500 (unless I can figure out how to stitch together an image from multiple scans...)
-Printer: $70
-Copier (I scale sketches up and down a lot for final pieces): $250-500

Which is more necessary: an apartment or really good equipment? Probably the apartment or I wouldn't have a place to put the fancy hardware, I guess.
I really need a job. Preferably one with great pay and plenty of hours. Here's to hoping awesome-bookstore-job has an easy time with my references tomorrow...

In other news, the Olympics totally blows my mind. Is anyone else just completely befuddled by the idea they are watching history, LIVE? I saw Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal, and found out at the same time he did that he had broken a record. It sort of trips me out.

Today Boyfriend and I picked up Boyfriend's mom and sister at LAX. On the drive home traffic was terrible, and it was because someone's motor-home had either burst into flames or utterly exploded. They were cleaning up the remnants as we drove past, but it was brutal. I hope everyone inside made it out.

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing some sketching and starting a new piece. I'm looking forward to it---I haven't been able to do anything more than sketch since that reviewer ripped me a new one at the SCBWI conference. I think I finally got my personal power (mojo?) back, so we'll see how it goes.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hunt for Red Oct-job-er

So, the job adventure continues!

Yesterday before the interview mentioned in my last post, a will-remain-un-nameable food service place called me and asked me if I was still looking for part-time work. I said yes, of course. So after a short conversation with this (very nice) woman, she says "okay, come in tomorrow."
Me: "oh for an interview?"
Her: "no, you're hired."
Me: "oh...okay..."

My parents were extremely unhappy about the job (because of the walking-to-strange-houses delivery part of it, and myself being a well-endowed young girl), but I still thought pizza-delivery would be cool, and didn't think I'd have any real problems.
So I went to my other interview (with a really cool bookstore that will also remain un-named) and that went really well! So I ended up being in a mental bind. I told the interviewer about the first job offer and she said that the bookstore wouldn't officially hire me until September anyway, so I should just take the food-service job and go from there.

Ahem. Thus. Today rolls around and while I was in the bathroom I got a call from a different job, which entails me teaching art to babies... WAY cool! I am going to hopefully be interviewing with them soon.
But despite that I went in to the food place to get all...hired...and stuff. It seemed cool and I loved the managers, but I was having some doubts. It just seemed like not-quite-my-place. When I got home I called my dad and laid it all down for him, all the job details and everything. It's a delivery job, but the company doesn't cover gas (I would)... and my dad explained that my insurance does not cover me for "business purposes." Meaning that if I got into an accident on the job, I would not be covered and thus would have to foot the bill myself. Something I don't think tips would quite cover...

After talking to my boyfriend about it I decided that the odds were stacked against me in this situation. So I went over to the place and told the manager about the insurance issue (by far the biggest issue, since I would never in my life be able to afford any sort of body work not partially covered by some company). She seemed disappointed, but understood.

I feel really bad but I have to follow my instincts in this matter. Meh. But hopefully either the bookstore or the teaching place will want to hire me and it'll be okay.

Anyway, that is how I had a job for less than 24 hours!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hmm, so I have just started on this "blogging" adventure.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Serra. I just graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Art/Illustration from California State University Northridge (read: could. not. afford. art. school.) and I am now trying my hand at being self-employed. So far it is pretty liberating, but terribly frightening at the same time. I've gotten a few commissions so far, but to ease my mind I am also applying for part-time jobs (in fact, I have an interview today!)

My goal is to write and illustrate my own books, as well as to show in galleries.

You can check out my work at

For now, I will take my leave. But in the future I hope to be actively posting sketches, drawings, and paintings for your pleasure. See you soon!